Category Archives: Specialty Roofing

5 Economic Benefits of Historic Roof Restoration and Preservation

Are you a property owner or manager of a historic building seeking financial prosperity and the preservation of heritage? Are you a part of a historic preservation organization striving to promote the economic value of safeguarding our architectural treasures? Look no further. In this blog post, we explore the remarkable advantages that lie within the realm of historic roof restoration and preservation.

Historic roof restoration goes beyond superficial aesthetics. It encompasses meticulously inspecting the structure, ensuring that every element is carefully evaluated for signs of wear and tear. By employing skilled professionals well-versed in the restoration process, you can rest assured that your historical roofs will regain their former glory while maintaining their authenticity.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey that intertwines the past and the present, we invite you to schedule your historic roofing estimate today. Let our team guide you through the realm of your historic roof’s restoration, ensuring a seamless transition into a future where tradition and modernity intertwine for unparalleled economic prosperity.

1. Enhancing Structural Integrity

As a property owner or manager of a historic building, you understand the importance of maintaining the structural integrity of your heritage property. Historic roof restoration and preservation play a significant role in achieving this goal. By investing in the restoration of your historical roof, you can effectively address underlying issues and ensure the long-term stability of the entire structure.

Historic roofs are often made from specialty or traditional roofing materials that have proven their durability over time. However, years of exposure to the elements can take a toll on even the most robust roofs. Engaging in a restoration process allows for a comprehensive inspection of the roof, identifying any signs of damage or deterioration. By promptly addressing these issues, you can prevent further structural damage and maintain the authenticity of the original roof.

Additionally, the restoration process involves employing modern materials and techniques that strengthen the roof’s overall structure while respecting historic roof preservation. This durability enhances its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions and provides added protection against potential disasters such as leaks or collapses. By securing the structural integrity of your historic building through roof restoration, you are safeguarding its future for generations to come.

2. Improving Curb Appeal

When it comes to historic buildings, curb appeal plays a vital role in attracting attention and admiration. As a property owner considering historic preservation, understanding the economic benefits of improving curb appeal is crucial.

A well-preserved historic roof significantly contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal of a property. It visually represents the building’s history and character, captivating passersby and potential buyers alike. A meticulously restored roof showcases the intricate details and craftsmanship that define historical architecture, making it a standout feature in any neighborhood.

Historic roof preservation demonstrates your commitment to preserving the heritage and architectural significance of the building. This attention to detail enhances the property’s visual appeal and conveys a sense of pride and care, which can attract potential tenants, customers, or buyers. By investing in historic roof restoration, you are preserving the past and elevating the present value and future potential of your property.

3. Increasing Property Values

Steep roofs of varying degrees with blue sky in the background.

Increasing property values is a crucial aspect of long-term financial prosperity. Historic roof preservation has been proven to positively influence property values, making it a wise investment for those seeking to maximize their return.

Historical properties hold a unique allure in the real estate market, with many buyers specifically searching for these architectural gems. The scarcity and desirability of historical buildings often lead to increased demand, which, in turn, drives up property values. By undertaking a historic roof restoration project, you are positioning your property as a sought-after asset, commanding a premium in the market.

Research consistently supports the correlation between historic roof preservation and increased property values. According to a study by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, properties within historic districts appreciate more than the local market overall and when compared to similar properties outside the district. This statistic demonstrates the tangible financial benefits that come with maintaining the historical integrity of your roof and building.

4. Earning Potential Tax Incentives

Beyond the economic benefits tied directly to property values, engaging in historic roof restoration and preservation can also provide property owners with significant tax incentives. Governments at various levels recognize the importance of conserving historic buildings and offer incentives to encourage such efforts.

One example of such incentives is historic preservation tax credits. These credits allow property owners to offset some of their restoration expenses through tax reductions. By participating in the restoration process, you contribute to the preservation of our cultural heritage and gain a financial advantage. It is essential to consult with qualified professionals and local authorities to understand the specific requirements and eligibility criteria for these tax incentives in your region.

In addition to tax credits, various government programs and grants are available to support historic preservation efforts. These programs aim to promote conservation, revitalize communities, and stimulate economic growth. By taking advantage of these incentives, you can further enhance the economic benefits of your historic roof restoration project while contributing to the overall well-being of your community.

5. Improving Energy Efficiency

In today’s world, energy efficiency is a top priority for property owners and society. With rising energy costs and environmental concerns, ensuring that your building operates efficiently is essential. Historic roof restoration plays a crucial role in improving energy use and reducing utility expenses.

A well-maintained historic roof, utilizing modern materials and restoration systems, can contribute to better insulation and ventilation. This improvement helps regulate indoor temperatures more effectively, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling. A restored historic roof can significantly lower energy consumption and related costs by preventing air leaks and minimizing thermal transfer.

Also, investing in energy-efficient roofing materials and techniques can qualify you for additional incentives, such as green energy tax credits or rebates. These financial benefits further amplify the economic advantages of historic roof restoration.

Ready to Get Started on Historic Roof Restoration and Preservation?

The economic benefits of historic roof restoration and preservation are undeniable. As a property owner or manager of a historic building, you can unlock your property’s potential while preserving its rich heritage. By embracing the restoration process, you enhance the structural integrity of your building, improve its curb appeal, increase property values, potentially earn tax incentives, and boost energy efficiency.

At Heidler Roofing, we specialize in historic roof restoration and preservation. Our team understands the unique challenges and opportunities associated with maintaining historical roofs. With our meticulous inspection, attention to detail, and utilization of modern materials and techniques, we ensure that your historic roof is restored to its original splendor while meeting contemporary standards of durability and energy efficiency.

Don’t let your heritage fade into obscurity. Join us in celebrating the timeless allure of historic roof restoration and preservation. Contact us today to schedule your historic roofing estimate and embark on a transformative journey that will elevate your property’s value, energy efficiency, and overall appeal.


Preserve Your Historic Building’s Architectural Heritage with Proper Roof Maintenance

If you’re the owner of a historic building or a professional dealing with heritage conservation, you’ll know that maintaining a historic roof is no ordinary task. Historic roof maintenance involves understanding the building’s history, original construction methods, and unique roofing materials’ specifications.

But what happens when these beautiful structures start showing signs of age? The tiles may crack, the wood shakes may erode, or the metal roofs may corrode. These issues not only compromise the aesthetic appeal but also threaten the structural integrity of the building. But don’t worry. Our team of historic roofing contractors is here to help. We encourage you to schedule a roofing estimate for your historic building and let us assist you in restoring the glory of your precious possession.

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Uncover the Benefits of Metal Roofing Systems

If you’re looking for a new commercial roof, a metal roof may be the way to go. Metal roofing systems are a superior choice for businesses due to their dependability, strength, energy efficiency, and long-lasting durability. Compared with traditional asphalt shingle roofs, durable metal roofing offers numerous benefits that should not be overlooked! This rooftop options allow you to customize your exterior while ensuring lasting protection from harsh weather conditions.

Among all the types of specialty roofing, metal roofs are often recommended for their durability and longevity. As commercial roofing contractors, our team knows the ins and outs of metal roofing systems and can help you repair, maintain, or replace your current metal roof. Get in touch with us today to schedule your roofing estimate!

What Is a Metal Roof System, and Why Are They Popular?

A metal roofing system is a type of roof covering, or roofing material, that consists mainly or entirely of metal. Metal roof systems are typically made from highly durable and weatherproof materials such as steel, aluminum, copper, or zinc. What makes metal roofing systems even more attractive is that they can be installed in virtually any style and color.

Many business owners choose metal roofing because of their versatility, dependability, and strength. They look great on nearly any building, and who doesn’t love to hear the sound of rain on a metal roof? But what really makes metal roofing systems popular are all the benefits.

Advantages of Metal Roofing Systems

The advantages of metal roofing systems are what convince business owners to choose this type of roof for their building. Some of the top benefits include the following:

  • Metal roofs provide superior fire protection compared to other roof materials, making them safer in areas prone to fires.
  • Metal roofs are energy efficient thanks to their high reflectivity, which helps to cool the inside of the building by reflecting the sun’s heat away from the interior. This reflectivity can lead to lower cooling costs throughout the year.
  • Finally, metal roofing systems come in various colors and styles to match any commercial building’s existing aesthetic.

A metal roofing system gives you the look and protection you need without compromising your style. All in all, metal roof systems are an excellent choice for business owners looking for superior weather protection and energy efficiency.

Types of Metal Roofs and How to Choose the Right One

The task of selecting the appropriate metal roof for your commercial building can be overwhelming. With so many different types of metal roofs available, it’s important to understand the differences between each type and how they will affect the look and performance of your business. To help you decide which type is best for you here is some information about the different types of metal roofs available on the market today.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles are one of the most popular types of metal roofing systems used in commercial buildings today. These shingles provide a classic look while providing excellent protection from harsh weather elements such as hail or wind-blown debris. Metal shingles come in various colors and sizes, so you can find something that will fit perfectly with your building’s aesthetic design. Additionally, they offer superior fire resistance compared to other materials like asphalt or wood shakes and can last up to 50 years with proper installation and maintenance.

Metal Tiles

If you want something more modern, metal tiles may be the way to go. They provide excellent protection from harsh weather elements. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, making them suitable for any building or structure. Metal tiles also require minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials like asphalt shingles or wood shakes. They can last up to 40 years with proper installation and maintenance practices in place.

Corrugated Metal Panels

Corrugated metal panels are typically made from galvanized steel or another type of coated metal material. This type of roof is great for areas prone to high winds, as it is extremely durable and corrosion-resistant. It provides superior insulation against extreme temperatures, making it an ideal selection for businesses where long-term energy conservation is a must.

Vertical Panels

Vertical panels are the most common type of metal roofing system and are often made from galvanized or pre-painted steel sheets. These panels are popular among businesses with tight installation schedules as they can be installed in a timely manner.

Vertical panels typically come in two styles: standing seam and ribbed. Standing seam is considered more aesthetically pleasing, but the ribs can provide extra weather protection and enhance air ventilation. The differences between these two styles depend on the roof’s specific design, so consider aesthetics and functionality when choosing a metal roofing system for your business.

Call Us Today for Help with Your Metal Roofing System

Metal roofing systems are ideal for commercial buildings that need superior weather protection and energy efficiency. No matter which option you choose, a properly installed metal roofing system can provide long-term protection while enhancing the look of your building’s exterior aesthetic design. Investing in a quality metal roofing system now will ensure years of reliable performance with minimal maintenance requirements down the road.

If you’re looking for a modern commercial roof or to update your metal roof system, the professionals at Heidler Roofing are the perfect people to call. With years of experience and skill in this area, our team will ensure that you get informed on all kinds of metallic roofs and decide which one suits your needs best. Put your faith in Heidler Roofing – a quality roofing company. We promise it’ll be worth it!

The Challenges and Rewards of Installing and Caring for Specialty Roofs

Have you ever admired a uniquely designed building and marveled at its interesting rooflines or unusual roofing materials? Often found on historically important public structures (think city halls or large, old churches), rooftop features like graceful parapets, finials, and other sculptural elements add visual interest that makes a building stand out from its surroundings. Because these roof features, along with distinctive materials like slate and copper, are much more costly to source and install, they’re not used in average homes or commercial buildings. However, like most conventional roofs, these specialty roofs also need ongoing care and repair (and the occasional total replacement).

Not just any roofing contractor can handle the complex challenges these beautiful roofs present. Here at Heidler Roofing, specialty roofs are a major focus of our business because while these roofs can be demanding, constructing them and keeping them in shape is also extremely rewarding for our craftsmen, as well as our communities. Continue reading