Category Archives: Commercial/Industrial Roofing

Answers to Your Top Questions about Energy Efficient and Eco-Friendly Commercial Roofing

Have questions about the energy efficiency of various commercial roofing options? Or wondering whether there are eco-friendly choices available to improve your building’s roof? You’re certainly not alone!

Here at Heidler Roofing, our customers seek our expertise on ways to cut regular business costs by installing better-performing and “greener” roof materials on both new and existing commercial and industrial buildings. There are many ways to create a roof that works for your building (especially if it has a flat or low-sloped roof) – and the environment – instead of against it.

Let’s answer some of the questions we’re asked most often about efficiency performance and eco-friendliness of various materials and systems. Continue reading

Top 24 Commercial Roofing Terms Explained

It’s true that the commercial roofing industry uses a lot of technical terminology that our customers probably are not familiar with. And we never want you to feel confused by specific terms we may mention as we give inspection reports or talk with you about problems on your commercial building’s roof.

That’s why we’re taking this opportunity to define 24 terms that we often use, but also commonly receive questions about here at Heidler Roofing.

Many have to do with various roofing materials. Some are simply abbreviations we use or words you’ve heard before, but that have different meanings in our industry lingo. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading

How Commercial Roof Inspections Help with Preventative Maintenance

As a commercial building owner or property manager, you’re probably very familiar with the concept of preventative maintenance for various systems in your building. Did you know that your building’s roof should also be regularly maintained to prevent problems and help keep leaks from forming?

Even if your building is new and you’re not having issues today, you can protect the health of your roof in the future by beginning a regular, customized maintenance routine with an expert commercial roofing service contractor like us here at Heidler Roofing.

What can these professionals do for your roof that others can’t?

The answer is roof inspections. The preventative maintenance program for your commercial building’s roof needs to include a thorough and comprehensive inspection process that puts actual roofers onto your roof to look around for current issues and document conditions that may cause problems later. With regular inspections, you can safeguard your commercial roof’s integrity year after year. And when it’s getting to be time for repairs or replacement, you will have advance warning and be able to better budget and plan ahead. Continue reading